Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy 50th Mom!! (even though you don't look anywhere close to fifty!!)
Just wanted to tell my wonderful mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I am always playing catch up !!!!!
My Little Girl Turned 6 last week. She is all grown up!!! :( I have been secretly trying to talk her out of a Birthday Party for a while now. (little hints here and there, "wouldn't it be funner if we went out to dinner with just our family?") She has ignored all of my subtle hints and has wanted a party with all of her little friends which I would have been happy to throw for her, if that is what she wanted. Until a couple of days before the big day and she came up to me and said "for my Birthday I want French Toast, fruit, and bacon for Breakfast; and for my Party I want to go out to Texas Roadhouse (she wanted to sit on the saddle, and eat rolls!!) with just the family for dinner. I then felt bad and tried to talk her into having a party with her friends but she was very insistent that that is what she wanted. So we happily obliged!!! :)

Enjoying her Birthday Breakfast!

When we were up on the Mountain a couple weekends ago the kids were all playing back in the trees. Then all of a sudden all we could hear were high pitched shrills, and screams and little kids running out of the trees. They had run into a yellow jacket bee hive in one of the logs they were playing on, and the bees started swarming all over them. K.C. and Presley got bit once on their heads. Tryston got bitten on his forehead and his arm, and poor Allee got bitten on her forehead and her lip. Her lip swelled up so big. She had a hard time eating and talking for a little while, but by morning the swelling was completely gone.

First Day of School!! K.C. started 2nd grade, and Kell started Kindergarden. They both love their teachers and are doing really well. Mckell loves school. She told me the other day that she hates afternoon school, cuz she hates having to wait soooo long to go to school.

These are their First Day of School pictures from last year. How cute are they!!!

Enjoying her Birthday Breakfast!

When we were up on the Mountain a couple weekends ago the kids were all playing back in the trees. Then all of a sudden all we could hear were high pitched shrills, and screams and little kids running out of the trees. They had run into a yellow jacket bee hive in one of the logs they were playing on, and the bees started swarming all over them. K.C. and Presley got bit once on their heads. Tryston got bitten on his forehead and his arm, and poor Allee got bitten on her forehead and her lip. Her lip swelled up so big. She had a hard time eating and talking for a little while, but by morning the swelling was completely gone.

First Day of School!! K.C. started 2nd grade, and Kell started Kindergarden. They both love their teachers and are doing really well. Mckell loves school. She told me the other day that she hates afternoon school, cuz she hates having to wait soooo long to go to school.

These are their First Day of School pictures from last year. How cute are they!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009
24th of July Weekend
We spent the weekend playing up north. We stayed at Kevin's G&G's on Wednesday, then we headed to Lagoon Thursday and then did the Bounce back and spent Friday at Lagoon-a-beach & Lagoon. Then we spent the rest of weekend back at Kevin's G&G's house. It was such a fun weekend!

K.C. is not a huge thrill seeker. I wouldn't say he is not daring cuz he is, he rode every ride at Lagoon, but once was enough for him.
Mckell on the other hand loves the thrill!! We would get done with one ride and she would want to go again. She loved Wicked, the old Roller Coaster, and the Collosus! She was mad there were a few rides that she couldn't go on, mabey next year.
Allee loved all the kiddie rides and the ones that go around and around.
Taylee was in heaven as long as she was on a ride! She loved loved loved all the rides and would be mad (scream) when she couldn't go on one. She would ride the little kid rides and hold her hands up and say WWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

We tried and tried to talk Kace into riding the swing with us, but he had no desire to. Mckell on the other hand was very excited/nervous to. As they were taking us up in the air, she looked over at me and said she was scared, but before we were done she was asking if we could do it again! She is a little thrill seeker just like me!

Lagoon-a-beach: The water was freezing, and it was a little over cast so needless to say it was a little cold. But, we all still had fun. The kids all loved the lazy river and the kids play area. The lines were really long for any of the big slides so we didn't go on too many of them.

K.C. is not a huge thrill seeker. I wouldn't say he is not daring cuz he is, he rode every ride at Lagoon, but once was enough for him.
Mckell on the other hand loves the thrill!! We would get done with one ride and she would want to go again. She loved Wicked, the old Roller Coaster, and the Collosus! She was mad there were a few rides that she couldn't go on, mabey next year.
Allee loved all the kiddie rides and the ones that go around and around.
Taylee was in heaven as long as she was on a ride! She loved loved loved all the rides and would be mad (scream) when she couldn't go on one. She would ride the little kid rides and hold her hands up and say WWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

We tried and tried to talk Kace into riding the swing with us, but he had no desire to. Mckell on the other hand was very excited/nervous to. As they were taking us up in the air, she looked over at me and said she was scared, but before we were done she was asking if we could do it again! She is a little thrill seeker just like me!

Lagoon-a-beach: The water was freezing, and it was a little over cast so needless to say it was a little cold. But, we all still had fun. The kids all loved the lazy river and the kids play area. The lines were really long for any of the big slides so we didn't go on too many of them.
4th of July on the Mountain
We went camping for the 4th of July with Family. We love being on the Mountain, especially with family!!

We let the kids stay up late one night (I think it was almost midnight) and play Baseball with a huge light that Kevin set up so they could see. It was a little cold but the kids didn't care. They had a ball!

We drove down to Cedar and went to dinner and then went and watched the fireworks.

The next night we Roasted Marshmellows and let the kids have some fun with Sparklers. Taylee thought they were the coolest things ever!

We also went fishing. Which Kell and Kace especially love to do.

We let the kids stay up late one night (I think it was almost midnight) and play Baseball with a huge light that Kevin set up so they could see. It was a little cold but the kids didn't care. They had a ball!

We drove down to Cedar and went to dinner and then went and watched the fireworks.

The next night we Roasted Marshmellows and let the kids have some fun with Sparklers. Taylee thought they were the coolest things ever!

We also went fishing. Which Kell and Kace especially love to do.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
I know I have been MIA for the past 2 months. Here is a long post to catch you up on whats been going on at out house.:)

Mckell graduated preschool - she loved her class and her teacher.

K.C. got the Radiant Roadrunner award at his school. He had to accomplish a bunch of things to be able to get it. We are so proud of him!

Mckell attended Safety Town this year. She has been looking forward to it ever since K.C. went before he started kindergarten. She had so much fun!

Allee broke her collar bone and had to wear this wrap for 2 weeks. She hated it, but she wore it without complaining. We are still not sure exactly what happened. Her and K.C. collided at a splash pad. K.C. got a fat lip, and she broke her collar bone?!?! Go figure!

K.C. played baseball again this year. His team was the New York Yankee's which he loved cuz that is where Papa & Grama are.

We went camping for with the family on Memorial Weekend. My parents came home from their mission in New York for a two week medical leave, so they got to come with us. It was so nice to be with family on the mountain and out of the heat of SG. The kids absolutely love to go camping, so we do alot of it during the summer. The kids caught Horny Toads, and took turns holding them.

I went to Vegas with 2 of my BFF's for a girls trip. We had so much fun, we didn't do anything but lay be the pool, shop, and eat. Hey- but isn't that what a girls trip is all about!! Ann-we missed you!!

Allee turned 4 today. My friend Annie made her this cute as heck cake (it turned out so cute) She has had her B-day planned for a month now. She wanted to have a slumber/pajama party. So that's what we did, minus the sleepover part!! All her little friends came in their P.J.'s. They watched Enchanted, ate popcorn, got their toenails painted and colored. It turned out to be really fun, and Allee loved it! Happy Birthday Girl!! We also chopped Allee's hair a week ago. She has been begging to get it cut for a while now. It turned out so cute, and she loves it. After she got it cut she had a perma grin on all day and kept looking at herself in the mirror.

Mckell graduated preschool - she loved her class and her teacher.
K.C. got the Radiant Roadrunner award at his school. He had to accomplish a bunch of things to be able to get it. We are so proud of him!
Mckell attended Safety Town this year. She has been looking forward to it ever since K.C. went before he started kindergarten. She had so much fun!

Allee broke her collar bone and had to wear this wrap for 2 weeks. She hated it, but she wore it without complaining. We are still not sure exactly what happened. Her and K.C. collided at a splash pad. K.C. got a fat lip, and she broke her collar bone?!?! Go figure!

K.C. played baseball again this year. His team was the New York Yankee's which he loved cuz that is where Papa & Grama are.

We went camping for with the family on Memorial Weekend. My parents came home from their mission in New York for a two week medical leave, so they got to come with us. It was so nice to be with family on the mountain and out of the heat of SG. The kids absolutely love to go camping, so we do alot of it during the summer. The kids caught Horny Toads, and took turns holding them.

I went to Vegas with 2 of my BFF's for a girls trip. We had so much fun, we didn't do anything but lay be the pool, shop, and eat. Hey- but isn't that what a girls trip is all about!! Ann-we missed you!!

Allee turned 4 today. My friend Annie made her this cute as heck cake (it turned out so cute) She has had her B-day planned for a month now. She wanted to have a slumber/pajama party. So that's what we did, minus the sleepover part!! All her little friends came in their P.J.'s. They watched Enchanted, ate popcorn, got their toenails painted and colored. It turned out to be really fun, and Allee loved it! Happy Birthday Girl!! We also chopped Allee's hair a week ago. She has been begging to get it cut for a while now. It turned out so cute, and she loves it. After she got it cut she had a perma grin on all day and kept looking at herself in the mirror.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Biggest Loser
Are you a fan?? - if you are then you will recognize these two. I ran into both of them at the gym this morning. They said that they were in town visiting their cousin and needed somewhere to work out! They both looked great, and were really nice! So if you are heading to the Washington Rec Center keep your eyes open for them.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Festivities
We had our annual Neighborhood Eater Egg Hunt on Friday.
The kids dyed our Easter Eggs all by themselves. They thought they were so cool. They wanted to do more after they finished all 18 of them.
-Easter Morning -
The Easter bunny hid all of the kids Easter baskets really well this year. They had a lot of fun trying to find them all. They look so cute in their Easter outfits!
We had a Bar-B-Que and Easter Egg Hunt at my Brothers today. My parents sent stuff for the kids to have an Easter egg hunt, and also cute outfits for all the grandkids.
The kids dyed our Easter Eggs all by themselves. They thought they were so cool. They wanted to do more after they finished all 18 of them.
-Easter Morning -
The Easter bunny hid all of the kids Easter baskets really well this year. They had a lot of fun trying to find them all. They look so cute in their Easter outfits!
We had a Bar-B-Que and Easter Egg Hunt at my Brothers today. My parents sent stuff for the kids to have an Easter egg hunt, and also cute outfits for all the grandkids.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
White sands
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I have the cutest girls ever!
Happy St. Patty's

Well the little leprechaun found our home. K.C. & Kevin even built a trap to try to catch him. But, he out smarted them!!
He did however ransack our home. There were cupboard doors left open, chairs tipped over, bar stools up-side down, I think he even got into our honey (we heard they like honey). The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. K.C. was a little sad that the leprechaun got away. He was really excited to catch him and take all of his gold. :) (if only!!!) However, he did leave us some treats that we found in our Microwave
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Years!!
Wow it is 2009. Have you all made your New Years Resolutions? Is all of your Christmas Decor put away till next year? I am not one to make New Years Resolutions, but I do like to reflect back on the year and think about what I can do different to make this year better than the last. The one thing that I came up with is to try harder to live in the day - live in the moment. meaning: Enjoy the moment for what it is. Laugh harder and more. Say I love you more. Don't be so quick to get angry. Don't sweat about the little things - Remember that most things are the little things! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years, and I hope that 2009 brings you greater happiness than 2008.

For New Years we had the family over and played games, ate lots of food, and had a ball.

For New Years we had the family over and played games, ate lots of food, and had a ball.
Christmas Day
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