Monday, September 15, 2008

How cute are they!!!!!

Malea took my kids pics last week. They turned out so cute (as always) thanks Malea. Here are just SOME of my Favs.


Mandy said...

Cutest kids ever!!!

Babe said...

They are so cute!

beth said...

They are so dang cute, I am missing them so much. Can't believe how long Allee's hair is, how big Tay is, KC so cute with his teeth missing, and Kell beautiful as always. They are all so beautiful. Malea did a great jog capturing their personallity too. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

[BrookeO] said...

i love these, such cute kiddos, really 4?!
M is awesome!

Heather T. said...

they are all so cute !! just like their mama !

Jennie Minor said...

You have the cutest kids. Their eyes are amazing! BEAUTIFUL as always Malea!

Lisha said...

Those turned out really great! What photogenic and beautiful children you have! And what a fantastic photographer too!:)

Ryan said...

Your kids are beautiful

{Annie N.} said...

Oh I love them! I love their outfits and all the green behind them. :)

Kena said... always!

jaesi said...


The Wallis Family said...

Your kids are so cute, and Malea is awesome!!