Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is why......

I dont buy Make-up for my girls. However, they do look beautiful!


jaesi said...

Ahahaha! I love your little prettys!

[BrookeO] said...

Oh I totally hear yoU!

beth said...

Oh, so beeeeeee-utiful!!!!!!!! Tell KC that we finally got the candy we bought from him for his school fund raiser. Yum! XOXOXXO Happy Turkey Day, travel safe.

Kena said...

Seriously make-up for kids is the worst! They are darling though!

Mandy said...

Watch out mom; they look like they are having waaaaay too much fun with all that.

Pickle said...


Erin said...

LOVE IT! I totally remember doing that.

Malea Ellett said...

so cute!

Jennie Minor said...

they are good little make up artists! so cute!